Project Description

Religious Representatives have Met in Hong Kong

Posted on 25/9/2015

Religious Representatives have Met in Hong Kong


Pearl Institute (Formerly known as Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre) visited Tao Fung Shan Christian Center and Sik Sik Yuen Taoist Temple for an inter-religious visit with inter-religious representatives from Turkey.

Bishop Sahak Mashalian, Armenian patriarchate of Istanbul, and Professor Dr. Niyazi Öktem, president of the Intercultural Dialogue Platform, the most prominent inter-faith organization in Turkey, invited to Hong Kong as a guest speaker at HKU on the topic of “Moslem-Christian Dialogue: Sexuality and Gender”

During their trip PI guided them and brough them various cultural and religious palce throughout Hong Kong.

The representatives had also visited Tao Fung Shan Christian Center’s and Sik SIk Yuen Taoist Temple’s representatives.

We thank those who put one more brick for construction of dialogue bridges.

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