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Ramadan Iftar Dinner with Distinguished Academicians

Posted on 11/7/2015

Ramadan Iftar Dinner with Distinguished Academicians


One of the scholar in Turkey states major problems of society as three. Ignorance, Poverty and Disunity. He also gives three solution to those problems as Education, Welfare and Dialogue.

When we think all problems that have been around us, we see all of them occur due to these problem. Yet, when we take these three solutions, there hope comes up in our hearts to counter them.

In fact, education is the first step to change our world into a better place. When we educate ourselves and others, it will guide us to the better. Educated people will unite us, Unity will break poverty and welfare will rise up.

Iftar dinners and a unity of scholars is a hope in this paths. Their presence and unity will chance the future of the world. Their dialogue will guide us to the better.

We are happy to host them and provide them a platform to understand each other; to stand with us to a better future.

Pearl Institute (Formerly known as Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre) is thankful those academicians attended the Iftar Dinner and shared our happiness.

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