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Lecture on Bad Image of “Muslim” Society and Dialog as a Solution

Posted on 19/11/2011

Lecture on Bad Image of “Muslim” Society and Dialog as a Solution


” Islam has been introducing in the media quite negatively. Islam means peace. But media shoes completaly negative of this.”

On 19th of November Pearl Institute (Formerly known as Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre) carried on the lecture series with history professor Dr. Syed Minhaj ul Hassan who is originally from University of Peshawar, but is currently deputed as Scholar, Quaid-i-Azam Chair in Pakistan Studies at the Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Mr. Minhaj talked about a very important topic for the especially Muslim society. He informed the audience about the problems of Muslim world. He focused on the problematic issues of the Muslim society, especially the bad image of the “Muslim” and “Muslim world” in the contemporary era and the reasons of this bad image. What were the responsibilities of the Muslim countries and individuals to not let the “other” world hate them. Basically he gave his lecture on the dialog and tolerance to others among Muslim either non-Muslim society. And his conclusion was advising the audience “starting to change themselves as individuals” for changing the world to a better place in order to live in peace.

ACDC was very grateful to the Mr. Prof. Syed Minhaj ul Hassan as well as the audience. There was something else audience enjoyed well was the open buffet breakfast before the very informative lecture. Once again PI appreciate the Mr. Prof. Syed and our friends for coming.

Hope to see you in the next lecture.

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