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Talk on Edge of Science by Nury Vittachi

Posted on 22/04/2016

Talk on Edge of Science by Nury Vittachi


In his talk, Mr Nury mentioned that Science and religious belief are often seen as opposites. The first concerns itself with facts confirmed by experiments. The second concerns itself with an openness to things we cannot see or confirm. But today, scientists are aware of a growing overlap which is breaking down walls. Respected physicists now say that we should not disregard the idea that some sort of consciousness (alien intelligence, which some people might call God) has been involved at the time of the Big Bang, and perhaps afterwards.

He added that the biggest theories of modern science, such as string theory, the multiverse, M-theory and so on, cannot be tested by experiments and must be taken purely on faith. Thirdly, there are intriguing parallels between the main elements of quantum physics (“conscious measurement creates reality”) and the ancient principles of spirituality (“the inner world takes precedence over the outer world”). It all adds up to an intriguing new way of seeing reality, for the religious and the non-religious alike.

At the end of his talk, he answered the questions directed by audience.

You can watch his talk in the video part below.

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