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Talk on Alchemy of Ottoman Tiles
Posted on 26/2/2014
Ashley Hazell, Lecturer at HKU and Master of Ottoman Tiles, gave a talk on Alchemy of Ottoman Tiles at Anatolia Cultural & Dialogue Centre on 26thFebruary 2014.
Ottoman Tiles has its fame from their unique and dream-like appearance. Because of this beautifulness it became a symbol of Ottoman Emperor and Turkey for centuries. Therefore the stories of Tiles transferred ear-to-ear for centuries and through this plenty of people kept this uniqueness alive.
Ms. Ashley Hazell, who has 11 years presence in Turkey, was one of them. She falls in love of tiles and became the master of it during her presence in Turkey. Her story starts as like most of people. She visits Turkey and see plenty of historical places decorated with these tiles especially “Blue Mosque” which named after its blue tile decoration. After that Ms. Ashley brings her love (the tiles) with her to Hong Kong. Henceforth her story starts in Hong Kong and so we reached her.
Ms. Ashley gave quite colorful presentation at PI (Formerly known as ACDC). The presentation enormously enriched with tiles, which even we do not know (Turkish Community in Hong Kong). She started with a short description of them and gave plenty of samples of them with detailed stories and photos of them. She also presented some real tiles to the audience to feel the reality.
After dream-like presentation, people directed their questions to her that shows impression of tiles.
Later on Q & A part continued during refreshment time and the night continued with joy and fun.
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