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Christian Foundations for Interfaith Dialogue
Posted on 23/1/2014
“Interfaith dialogue is a must today, and first step in establishing it is forgetting the past, ignoring polemical arguments, and giving precedence to common points, which far outnumber polemical ones.” says M. Fethullah Gülen, one of the most influential intellectual of past several years in the world.
It has been written as an utopia of the writers of “Clash of Civilizations” and so on. But something has been changing with the efforts of all religions. In our society, we all understand that we cannot argue with each other anymore because we have a lot of commons which need to be highlighted instead of the differences.
On 23rd of January, a good number of people from different faith gathered at Pearl Institute (Formerly known as Anatolia Cultural & Dialogue Centre) to endorse the idea of “togetherness” through interfaith Dialogue activities.
Dr John G. LeMond, a Consultant to the Bridge and Dialogue Division of the Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre, gave a talk on Dialogue in Christianity through Christian Foundations.
In his speech, he emphasized the role of Christians in interfaith dialogues. He enriched his speech with the stories of the Christians in the past. He underlined that the dialogue is not a modern day thing but it has been there for thousands of years. He also said that discussing on such little differences will raise more troubles and he urged and advised all the audience to talk on commons and instead of cursing or accusing each other we should reach out each other and share the commons and always be willing to extend the helping hand.
Before he ended his speech there was a Q & A session where the listeners had a chance to ask question to our honorable guests. Later on, the refreshments were served to the guests.
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