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Eastern & Western Mindset

Posted on 20/3/2013

Eastern & Western Mindset


On 20th March 2013, Professor Ali Beba, Director of Entrepreneurship Center Hong Kong, was hosted by Pearl Institute (Formerly known as Anatolia Cultural & Dialogue Centre) to give precious points about Eastern & Western Mindset through his experience of decades of his profession.

In his speech Mr. Beba emphasized not only the Mindset Differences but also the Harmony of them and how this is contributing to the world.

Mr. Beba also mentioned that nobody can deny any of the existing ‘mindsets’. Every nation has its own characteristics and it’s mainly through its culture that we first begin to know the nation and its characteristics. So we cannot say that this mindset or custom is right and that is wrong. Equal respect should be attached to every nation in the world, even to those that are not in existence any more.

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