On the 6th PI interfaith Iftar Dinner event, distinguished guests from various fields of Hong Kong society shared fast-breaking food together and exchanged ideas on the significance of interfaith dialogue in today’s world. Although there still exists arguments among different religious and atheists, interfaith gathering activities are held more often as well, and more individuals are encouraged to participate in such events to seek for an answer of their doubts.
As mentioned in the keynote speech, the abuse of religion by states and powerful groups is a serious problem. Although many social issues seem to be caused by religion, nevertheless, when looking back to history, it is obvious that the true horrors of the 20th century – for example, the two World Wars – almost have nothing to do with religion. As the keynote speaker concluded, religion acts like a vehicle, instead of the root of complex confrontation.
By sharing the experience of the Prophet Abraham (peace upon him), the keynote speaker suggests every participant, including Muslims, Christians and other people, that we should not be judgmental. Time, patience and genuine help should be offered to people. Because there is only one way towards peace, to follow that path we must destroy two things within ourselves: ignorance and intolerance. Besides, different religious groups should cooperate harmoniously, and make a contribution to society corporately.
We sincerely appreciate all our friends from different religious groups and faiths to spend such meaningful and happy hours together.
We especially thank the Islamic Union of Hong Kong for being venue sponsor and partner to promote this event. Their support is indispensable.