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From a Chiristian Perspective:
Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) Seminar
Posted on 30/5/2011
“Dialogue is must in our time”
“Friendship is the soul of peace”
“We are Abrahamic Faiths and coming from the same origin”
Pearl Institute (Formerly known as Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre) organized a seminar about Prophet Mohammad (bpuh) from the Christian view at Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. Dr. Scott Alexander delivered a seminar titled “Theological reflections of a Christian on the Prophet Mohammad “at Polytechnic University to a group of academicians and students who are concerned on May 30, 2011.
One and a half hour speech obviously lasted more than what was scheduled due to attentive audience.
Various delicious Turkish foods were served to the audiences after the Dr. Scott’s Seminar.
We thank Polytechnic University of Hong Kong and Dr. Alexander Scott.
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