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Fethullah Gulen’s Condemning Message about ISIS is published on the 

South China Morning Post, Ming Pao Daily and The Standard Newspapers

Posted on 31/11/2013

Fethullah Gulen’s Condemning Message about ISIS is published on the South China Morning Post, Ming Pao Daily and The Standard Newspapers

Fethullah Gulen’s Condemning Message about ISIS is published on the South China Morning Post, Ming Pao Daily and The Standard Newspapers

ISIS Cruelty Deserves Our Strongest Condemnation

As a practicing Muslim deeply influenced by tenets of my faith, I strongly condemn the brutal atrocities of the ISIS terrorist group. Their actions are a disgrace to the faith they proclaim and are crimes against humanity. Religion provides a foundation upon which to establish peace, human rights, freedoms and the rule of law. Any interpretations to the contrary, including the abuse of religion to fuel conflicts, are simply wrong and deceitful.

ISIS is not the first group to use religious rhetoric to mask its cruelty – Al Qaeda did so 13 years ago and Boko Haram more recently. What they all have in common is a totalitarian mentality that denies human beings their dignity.

Any form of violence against innocent civilians or prosecution of minorities contradicts the principles of the Qur’an and the traditions of our Prophet (upon whom be peace and blessings). ISIS members are either completely ignorant about the faith they proclaim or their actions are designed to serve individual interests or those of their political masters. Regardless, their actions represent those of a terrorist group and, as such, they should be brought to justice and compelled to answer for their horrific crimes.

I send my heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased in Iraq and Syria, and to the families of James Foley, Steven Sotloff, and David Haines. May God give them strength, patience and perseverance, and alleviate their suffering. I also pray for the immediate and safe release of hostages and ask God, the Merciful, to lead us all toward mutual respect and peace. I invite everyone around the world to join me in these prayers.

About Fethullah Gulen

Fethullah Gulen is an Islamic scholar, preacher and social advocate, whose decades-long commitment to interfaith tolerance and altruism has inspired millions in Turkey and around the world. Recognized by TIME magazine in 2013 as one of the 100 most influential people in the world for “preaching a message of tolerance that has won him admirers around the world,” Gulen has dedicated his life to interfaith and intercultural dialogue, community service and providing access to education. (For more information about Fethullah Gulen please click here – English – Chinese)

Mr. Fethullah Gulen’s condemnation of ISIS  was published on Ming Pao Daily (21 October 2014), The Standard (22 October 2014) and South China Morning Post (30 October 2014)

* Mr. Fethullah Gulen’s condemnation of ISIS  was also published on Washington Post, New York Times, WSJ, LA Times on Wednesday, September 17, 2014


身為一個虔敬遵循伊斯蘭教義的穆斯林,在此本人強烈地譴責“伊斯蘭國” (ISIS)恐怖組織之殘暴和毫無人性之殘忍行為。這些人的行徑讓他們自 許的信仰蒙羞,一切行為全是違反人道之罪行。宗教實為提供實踐和平、 人權、自由,道德與法規之基石。任何一種假宗教之名行製造混亂之實的 團體早已違反宗教之本質,該行徑根本就是一種錯誤與謊言。

“伊斯蘭國”並非世上首個濫用宗教之美名遮掩其殘暴行徑的恐怖組織-十 三年前阿爾蓋達組織曾這麼做過,最近博科聖地亦如法炮製。它們全以極 權主義姿態現身,全然抹煞了人類所應享之基本尊嚴。


了古蘭經之規定,和先知穆罕默德(願 主賜他平安與吉慶)聖行之教導。 “伊斯蘭國”恐怖組織成員若非是對於自認歸屬的教義全然無知,就是其行 徑早已遭有心人士設計為要滿足個人私慾,或其政治領導人目的之工具。 無論這幫人之行徑究竟是否代表某個恐怖組織,或其他類似的組織,這等人均應為其恐怖罪行而受到法律制裁。

我真誠地向那些在伊拉克和敘利亞犧牲性命者家屬,和遭斬首的詹姆士. 弗利先生、史提芬.史特盧夫先生,及大衛.海尼斯先生等人家屬表達我 個人最深沉的哀悼之意。但願造物主賜予這些犧牲者家屬們力量、忍耐, 和堅忍不拔的心,並減輕他們失親之創痛。我同時也向大慈的造物主祈 求,儘快地讓所有人質安全獲得釋放。更祈求祂引領所有人類步上彼此尊 重與維持和平的道路上。


關於 法土拉.葛蘭

法土拉.葛蘭是一位伊斯蘭學者、傳道人,同時也熱心於社會事務。數十 年來,他身體力行提倡無私的跨信仰互諒,為數以百萬計的土耳其人以至 世人帶來鼓舞。2013 年,葛蘭入選時代雜誌世界百大最具影響力人士,並 獲讚揚“宣揚和平互愛,在全球廣受愛戴”。葛蘭畢生致力促進跨信仰、跨 文化交流,並大力推動社會服務和提供教育機會。( 如果想了解更多詳情關於 法土拉.葛蘭請點擊這裡英語 中文

*法土拉·葛蘭先生的譴責(關於伊斯蘭國)第一次發布在紐約時報,華盛頓郵 報,華爾街日報,洛杉磯時報和芝加哥論壇報,週三,2014 年 9 月 17 日

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