Themes of Dialogue “Even if We Have Different Color,

 but We are the Same”

Posted on 15/10/2012

Themes of Dialogue


Editorial – Themes of Dialogue: Turkish culture, Buddhism, and Muslim friendship

One of the most urgent initiatives in the world today is interfaith dialogue. I know many good Christians, several Muslims, even more agnostics and atheists who have made an invaluable difference in my life. They are my friends and mentors, and I hope I’ve done enough that

they may see me in a likeminded way. Dialogue isn’t something theoretical, although it is a popular topic in theological seminaries and philosophy departments these days. What really stimulates dialogue is rarely an intellectual insight but an unexpected encounter with the Other, one that catches you off-guard in its spontaneity and naturalness. That was one of the main themes during and after our Buddhist delegation’s trip to Turkey. With so many friendships forged and bridges built, it’s no wonder that the articles we commissioned share a common idea: the common ground we share is right beneath us; we simply need to take off our artificial shoes and walk barefoot so we really feel it.

Under the Turkish Sky is a discussion about the dazzling shades of blue that permeate Istanbul life. One of our trip members, John, was so determined to make the most out of being in an Islamic culture that he also participated in Ramadan. Our exchange with Turkish Muslim families prompted reflections about the Islamic faith, from a Buddhist perspective. All of us admired Rumi’s beautiful poetry and profound teaching, whilst some of us were more inclined to philosophical questions about Buddhism in the light of Islamic doctrines or how we can plant seeds of understanding in this horrifically fractured world, where great violence and tremendous suffering is inflicted on a daily basis because people just won’t sit down in one room and talk to one another.

Finally, to round everything up, Buddhistdoor International is hosting, in collaboration with the CBSAA, an interfaith dialogue at the Jockey Club Tower in The University of Hong Kong this November. We will have distinguished guests like Professor Lee (who, many may not know, is an aficionado of Turkey and has written books about the Turkic culture) and Ven. Dhammapala talking about their experiences of Turkish and Muslim culture, as well as representatives from the Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre coming to join in the sharing. Registration is absolutely free too. If you are in Hong Kong, don’t miss out on this rare chance for a Buddhist-Muslim exchange in Asia’s world city. I promise this will be a special encounter indeed.





至於藍色,土耳其有一種藍色遠近馳名,甚至有「土耳其藍」(Turkish Blue)之稱,足見其代表性。他們真的很喜歡藍。


最大片的藍是天上的。當走在古希臘Ephesus遺址中,深深領教了晴空萬里是什麼樣滋味:差一點攝氏40 度高溫下,天空的蔚藍搭配大理石的雪白,反映著讓人睜不開眼的陽光白花花一片……。只難為了領隊的Yelbay先生和隨團義工們,他們正在守齋戒,整個齋月裡每天從日出至日落的時間都不吃不喝,忍耐著唇乾舌燥、體力虛耗之餘,還要領我們到處遊逛,不時詳細的講解。他們熬著體力與耐性的考驗,一心只基於信仰,想做布施,行善事,結善緣,也不求功德,令人肅然起敬,真是佛教徒很好的學習對象 。





藍色之讚歌還包括Sultan Ahmed 清真寺,也稱「藍色清真寺」(Blue Mosque),她的清雅亮麗的藍色圖案,令人要對「華麗」重新定義。很難想像工藝師是如何攀到那高處,一筆一筆的繪畫《可蘭經》經文、賢士詩句和花草紋樣,想必是懷著虔敬的心,用工筆寫下對真主禮讚的衷曲,就像西藏喇嘛繪畫唐卡那樣的神聖心情。只是因為盛名招徠遊客太多,或我心猿意馬,未能靜靜欣賞,只是貪婪地攝像,用視覺消化她的堂皇。



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