Project Description

Visit to Hong Kong Police Force 

Posted on 10/5/2013

Visit to Hong Kong Police Force


On 10th May 2013 Pearl Institute (Formerly known as Anatolia Cultural & Dialogue Centre) visited Ms. Chu Ming-po, Deputy Director of Hong Kong Police Collage. As aimed “Having peace-building

and conflict resolution activities between cultures, nations and through these building dialogue bridges between all ”, Pearl Institute  visited Hong Kong Police Forces to learn more about their experiences and thank them to spread peace and building tranquility in Hong Kong. At the meeting, PI members introduced their center and their mission as well as activities that they have been doing for 6 years just to be a contributor to  peace in Hong Kong and in the world. In her warm conversation, Ms. Chu stated that she and her colleges would be glad to contribute PI’s “Peace Building” activities at anytime. At the end PI members presented “Ebru Marbling Painting” to Ms. Chu for an appreciation.

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