Harmony in Diversity – Confucianism and Islam


Posted on 7/2/2015

Harmony in Diversity - Confucianism and Islam






和諧是孔教儒學的核心價值觀之一,《論語》中有“禮之用,和為貴,先王之道,斯為美”。“和”的主要含義是,協調不同的人和事並使之達到和諧的狀態。《尚書.堯典》說:“百姓昭明,協和萬邦”。孔子說:“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。”(《論語.子路》)孟子進而提出“人和”的思想,他說:“天時不如地利,地利不如人和。”(《孟子.公孫丑下》) “和”的功能是什麼呢?《中庸》裏講得很清楚:“致中和,天地位焉,萬物育焉。”達到了“和”,天地萬物才會處於有序的狀態,萬物得到生長,社會才能進步。“和”還有保持中道,不過份的意思。《廣韻》:“和,順也,諧也,不堅不柔也。”《新書.道術》:“剛柔得適謂之和,反和為乖”,都是和諧適度的意思。《中庸》說:“喜怒哀樂之未發,謂之中。發而皆中節,謂之和。”只有使自己的情緒處於不偏激的狀態,才能不傷人,不傷己,這也是道德修養的一種境界。董仲舒認為,用仁義道德去教化民眾,是建設和諧社會的根本之道。孟子主張“窮則獨善其身,達則兼善天下。”《孟子‧盡心》。伊斯蘭教也建立了一套修善積德的方法,提出“念、禮、齋、課、朝”等五功,以“念”、“禮”兩功修煉個人內在的心性,以“齋戒”展現對人間饑餓貧苦的惻隱之心,以“課”功周濟社會福利的公平,以“朝”拜天房達到天下一家的理想,實現社會和諧,促進世界和平。



* The talk will be conducted in Mandarin.

President, The Confucian Academy

Dr. TONG Yun Kai, was born in 1934 in Guangdong Province, China. He left his hometown at the age of 13 and immigrated to Hong Kong. He is the President of the Confucian Academy, Managing Director of 5 companies, President of Hong Kong Badminton Association, Member of the Selection Committee of Chief Executive for the First, Second, Third & Fourth Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Honorary Vice President of Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, Honorary Life President of Asian Badminton Confederation and Honorary Advisor (former Vice Chairman) of International Confucian Association. Dr Tong is ranked 12th in the Precedence List in the Government of Hong Kong SAR, not to mention he has been conferred over 200 honorary titles by a number of institutions in Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, the United States, Japan and the other countries and territories. Dr. Tong was conferred by her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom Member of the British Empire (MBE) on March 2005 for his contribution in the field of business, education, religion and sport. In the same year, he was granted the World Peace Award by the World Religion Federation in Japan. In March 2006, he was awarded by President George W. Bush of United States the President’s Award for his Educational Excellence as an “Outstanding Confucian Scholar”. In July 2009, Dr. Tong was awarded the “World Peace Grand Prize” by Lincoln Memorial Foundation for Peace in recognition of his contribution to the freedom and the world peace. Recently, He received the high Confucius Culture prize from the Ministry of Culture of China in 2011.
Dr. Tong has all along been paying tribute to Confucius since his childhood. For more than fifty years, he has spared no efforts to promulgate the Confucian school of thoughts. He was elected to be the Vice President of The Confucian Academy in 1987 and later was voted to be the President of The Confucian Academy in 1992. Since then, he worked strenuously in propagating and developing the Confucian philosophy. He financed and made study tours to the antiquities pertaining to Confucian culture at both homeland and abroad. In addition, he has participated in many various seminars sponsored by other Confucian institutes and contributed generously towards various Confucian entities. His publications include “Symposium in Confucian School of Thoughts”, “Confucian Virtue Curriculum for Primary Schools of Hong Kong” Book

Biography – Dr Tong Yun-kai

1- 6. “Confucian Virtue and Civic Education Curriculum for Secondary Schools in Hong Kong” Book 1- 3. “Symposium of Tong Yun Kai’s Speeches on Confucian Thoughts during His Global Trips”, Vol. 1- 22 are published to the public; and up to now there are over 1170 times of speeches. Apart from publications, his footprints are found all over China (except Qinghai and Inner Mongolia). His contributions on promoting Confucianism are witnessed by his visits to countries all over the world, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, Philippine, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Sweden, Singapore, Indonesia, Morocco, Russia, Costa Rica, Cuba and so forth. Dr. Tong has donated more than 150 million Hong Kong dollars in promoting Confucian philosophy; the money has been used to donate more than 500 Confucius Statues, a Confucian hospital and various Confucianism related topic books, and so on.
According to Dr Tong Yun Kai, there are six types of Confucius followers reflect the behavior of Confucian in nowadays society, namely Confucian scholars, Confucian preachers, Confucian government officials, Confucian military commanders, Confucian businessmen and Confucian medicinal practitioners. There are still other people in various trades who lead lives according to the disciplines of Confucian school of thoughts and thus promote the Confucian culture.

Dr. Tong believes that Confucian school of thoughts can contribute in six main functions: –

1. be able to promote world peace,
2. be able to enhance the quality of the virtue of human beings,
3. unify people of different cultures all over the world,
4. become the spiritual essence of the 56 minority races and 1.3 billion people of China,
5. be able to promote the unification of China, and
6. Share equal status among all other religions in the world

JAN., 2015 The President Office, The Confucian Academy

Presented By: Pearl Institute (Formerly knowns as Anatolia Cultural & Dialogue Centre)

Venue: 909 CCWU Building, 302-308 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong SAR

Date: February 7, 2015, Saturday

Time: 18.30 – 20.00

* The talk will be conducted in Mandarin

* Please kindly inform us if you cancel your registration after you made RSVP.

* There will be refreshment service after the talk

* This is a free event

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